Month: March 2023


Your teaching voice matters!

Students at the SLP education at Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, are sharing their poster presentations about voice ergonomics, risk- and health factors to peers and staff at an open 2023-04-13time: 10:00-14:00cityplace: Turku/Åbovenueaddress: Fabriksgatan 2, Arken.performers: Students at the SLP education program under supervision of professor Viveka Lyberg Åhlandercontacts: Viveka Lyberg Åhlander


World Voice Day Karaoke Night!

In Honor of World Voice Day the LSU Department of Otolaryngology is hosting a karaoke night at Great Raft Brewing from 6-9pm. Information about vocal health will be distributed. $5 from each beer sold will benefit Dysphonia International. date: 2023-04-13 time: 18:00- 21:00 cityplace: Shreveport, Louisiana/USA venueaddress: Great Raft Brewing1251 Dalzell St, Shreveport LA webbaddress:…


When Brain Touches Voice: stem- en spraakrevalidatie bij mensen met neurodegeneratieve aandoeningen

Welke symptomen bij cliënten met heesheid zijn suggestief voor een neurodegeneratieve aandoening?Welke stemoefeningen en -technieken zijn zinvol in deze groep cliënten?Op deze en andere vragen proberen verschillende sprekers een antwoord te bieden vanuit hun ervaring met deze populatie. We kijken er naar uit met jou ervaringen en kennis uit te wisselen! date: 2023-04-19 time: 18:00-22:00…

Boekpresentatie: ‘HOE ZAL IK HET ZEGGEN’ | Book launch: ‘HOW TO PUT IT’

Boekpresentatie: ‘HOE ZAL IK HET ZEGGEN’ | Book launch: ‘HOW TO PUT IT’

Boeklancering HOE ZAL IK HET ZEGGEN | Book launch HOW TO PUT IT Titel: ‘HOE ZAL IK HET ZEGGEN’Sleutelen aan je stem – voor sprekende professionals en professionele sprekers. Vrije toegang:signeersessies, korte workshops en muziek.Korting bij aanschaf van een (gesigneerd) exemplaar via voorinschrijving.Aanmelding: via de website / op uitnodiging.Pulchri Studio | Lange Voorhout 15, 2514…


Awareness program on voice problems, vocal hygiene and voice care

An awareness program on vocal hygiene and voice care will be conducted to general public through the following activities:1. Broadcasting video messages about the importance of World Voice Day, importance of voice, voice problems, vocal hygiene and voice care by renowned singers and theatre artists on social media platform2. Orientation program on vocal hygiene, voice…


Best Voice Contest 2023

A best voice contest will be organized for the teachers of JSS Allied Health Institutions and general public. Voice samples from the above-said will be collected. Perceptual and objective analyses of the samples will be carried out. Based on the results, three best voices will be recognized and awarded. date: 2023-04-11 time: 09:00AM-04:00PM cityplace: Mysuru…


Orientation program about the importance of vocal hygiene and voice care

Orientation program about the importance of vocal hygiene and voice care usp-custom-eventdescription: A one-day free voice evaluation camp and an orientation program about the importance of vocal hygiene and voice care for faculty and students of Law discipline will be conducted at the JSS Law College, Mysuru, India. date: 2023-04-13 time: 09:00AM-04:00PM cityplace: Mysuruusp-custom-venueaddress: JSS…


Free Voice Evaluation Camp

A free voice evaluation camp will be conducted at the JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru, India (10.04.2023-15.04.2023) for general public with voice disorders and all types of professional voice users including singers and teachers. date: 2023-04-10 time: 09:00AM-04:00PM cityplace: Mysuru venueaddress: JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru, India contacts: JSS Institute of…

Your voice matters … but how ‘healthy’ is it?

Your voice matters … but how ‘healthy’ is it?

In this session organized by the World Voice Day Nigeria in partnership with the Organisation of Young African Leaders for Development, Tobore Olumoye, a public speaker, youth mentor and personal finance coach continues her financial literacy advocacy for the African youth, using ‘voice health’ as a metaphor. date: 2023-04-17 time: 18:00 – 19:00 cityplace: Virtual…


3. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni simpozij

Studij Logopedija Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Zavod za audiologiju i fonijatriju Kliničkog bolničkog centra Rijeka i Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu organiziraju 3. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni simpozij povodom Svjetskog dana glasa koji će se održati  21. travnja 2023. na Kampusu Sveučilišta u Rijeci.  date: 2023-04-21 time: 10:00-16:00 cityplace: Rijeka venueaddress: Kampus Sveučilišta u Rijeci performers: Youri Maryn,…

Webinar: Hoe komt het dat je je stem niet altijd onder controle hebt?

Webinar: Hoe komt het dat je je stem niet altijd onder controle hebt?

Ervaar jij je stem als een beperking of blokkade? Heb je het idee dat je niet altijd wordt gehoord? In deze webinar over mijn boek VOICE krijg je antwoord op de vraag waarom je stem klinkt zoals die klinkt in verschillende situaties, en waarom je daar niet altijd controle over lijkt te hebben. VOICE begeleidt…