Month: April 2023


Simposio La Voz un instrumento de comunicación

El simposio se tendrá lugar en la Universidad de Pamplona Colombia, contará con la participación de tres expertos en el área de la voz en las cuales brindarán información precisa sobre esa área. En primera instancia se dará una presentación sobre anatomía Fisiología y abordaje clínico a la disfonía desde la Otorrinolaringología, en un segundo…


First Symposium for World Voice Day organized by the The Voice Foundation Chapter Mexico

14,15,16 APRIL,2023Hospital ABC Santa FeMexico CityScientific and artistic academic event to promote multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in the areas of voice. date: 2023-04-14 time: 3:00 pm to 3:30 pm CEST Time / 8:00 to 8:30 am CDMX Time cityplace: Hospital ABC Santa Fe, Mexico City venueaddress: Vasco de Quiroga 154, Contadero, Cuajimalpa de Morelos, 05348 Ciudad…

Why is the voice important for the world

Why is the voice important for the world

Live  Section of importance of Voice professional users, general population: children, teenagers, adult voice users. date: 2023-04-01 time: 15:15 15:30 cityplace: Mexico venueaddress: Centro de Foniatria y AudiologíaMinerva 104-501 col. FloridaMexico City performers: R. Eugenia Chávez Calderon M.D. Oh.D. webbaddress: www.centrodefoniatria.comusp-custom-contacts:

Live YouTube channel Vivalavoz celebrating beginning of the celebrations of Mexico World Voice Day

Live YouTube channel Vivalavoz celebrating beginning of the celebrations of Mexico World Voice Day

Virtual life celebration with explanation through presentation of multimedias about structures which produce human voice.GeneralHygiene care of the use of voice in the general population.Development of the human voice through the different stages of human being.Virtual interaction with assistants date: 2023-04-01 time: 14:00-15:15 cityplace:  Mexico City You tube channel VIVA LA VOZ 365 Facebook World…