2024 World Voice Day Events

WVD Event TitleMoscow School of Pediatrics dedicated to the International Day of the Voice "Clinical recommendations for a practitioner"
Type of EventCourse
Your NameEkaterina Osipenko
Start Time09:00
End Time15:00
Event Address28 ул. Героев Панфиловцев
Москва, Москва 125373
Russian Federation
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Details of your World Voice Day Event

The program of the course includes the following lectures:
1. Review of clinical guidelines “Acute obstructive laryngitis [croup] and epiglottitis” (2021).
What should a pediatrician know?
2. A child with hoarseness in a pediatrician’s practice
3. Voice disorders in children: the role of the pediatrician
4. Clinical case on the topic “Severe course of acute epiglottitis in a child. What predetermined the death?”