Previous World Voice Day Directives
World Voice Day 2024 was a big success, getting ready for another fantastic year!
Dear World Voice Day Community,
We are thrilled to share the success of last year’s relaunch of the World Voice Day website! Thanks to the dedicated work and enthusiasm of our community, the relaunch allowed us to return stronger and more connected than ever.
The Voice Foundation has proudly taken over administration of the World Voice Day website, and we are excited to serve this vibrant and diverse community. Our goal is to make the site a thriving resource for all who cherish the power and beauty of the human voice. We look forward to growing together as a global network, sharing knowledge, inspiration, and celebration.
In our first year back after a brief pause for website redevelopment, we received an incredible response—nearly 350 World Voice Day events from around 55 countries spanning every continent. This amazing turnout reflects the dedication of voice professionals, enthusiasts, and communities worldwide who are passionate about voice education, health, and artistry.
Thank you for making last year a memorable milestone in World Voice Day history. With your continued support and participation, we look forward to achieving even greater reach and impact in the years to come.
Warm regards,
Ian DeNolfo
Executive Director, The Voice Foundation
The World Voice Day 2022 campaign is on!
Dear Friends in Love with the Human Voice
Despite all the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, we have managed to continue offering our services, albeit with limitations. To a greater or lesser degree, voice problems impair the quality of life of our patients. Moreover, sequelae of COVID19 aggravated many voice cases. Changes in laryngeal and respiratory functionality were at the center of our clinical care. On the other hand, artists faced the closure of the venues and tried different ways to be present with their audiences. Many voices were silenced, and the losses were priceless. Lack of vocal conditioning to return to the stage is a current challenge.
We have learned a lot and built a new body of knowledge during these almost two years. Elsevier Publishing, responding to a request from The Voice Foundation, has formed a special collection of articles under the name “Voice in the Times of the COVID- 19 Pandemic” and has made these valuable manuscripts openly available to interested parties. The material is rich and provides an international view of what we have faced and are unfortunately still facing.
The collection can be accessed in two ways:
- On Journal of Voice webpage:, with an explanatory introductory text.
- On ScienceDirect: with a shorter introductory text.
We would also like to share the voice campaign motto for the year 2022 – “Lift your voice”. This motto, proposed by the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (AAO-HNS), calls for us to take back our vocal presence with a good quality voice that represents us and improves communication.
Please be sure to register your initiatives related to Voice Day 2022 on our webpage and enjoy reading the articles.
You’ll find the new graphics developed by our World Voice Day Website team at the Graphics section. Feel free to use it at your convenience.
Happy Hollidays!
Mara Behlau, Mauro Fiuza and Thays Vaiano
WVD Team
World Voice Day 2021 Campaign
It’s a great joy to announce that we’ve opened the 2021 WVD campaign
The new theme is ONE WORLD|MANY VOICES, chosen by the Voice Committee of the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery
You’ll find the new graphics developed by our World Voice Day Website team at the Graphics section, feel free to use it at your convenience.
We wish you a great and healthy 2021 and a fantastic World Voice Day
Mauro Fiuza, Mara Behlau and Thays Vaiano
WVDW Committee
World Voice Day 2019 Bulletin
The year of 2019 was special for the human voice. We received 703 entries from 51 countries registered at the WORLD VOICE DAY webpage (Figure 1), with a total of 689 activities. This result is smaller than 2018, but still expressive. Some actions correspond to single events and others to a whole week celebration including talks, classes, workshops and free consultation.
Ten countries had the highest number of events (Figure 2). The 3 first positions were occupied by Russia (138 events), Brazil (116 events) and Argentina (71 events). We would like to congratulate all the countries and particularly Russia because this is the 1st time they are at the top of the rank. The human voice importance deserves highest visibility in the world and both artistic and clinical aspects need to be highlighted. We know that some colleagues have not registered their initiatives, which is a misfortune.
Figure 1. World Distribution of events on the WVD 2018
The list with all 51 participating countries and the number of registered events follows:
Argentina (71), Australia (8), Austria (2), Azerbaijan (9), Bangladesh (3), Belarus (4), Belgium (2), Brazil (116), Canada (4), Chile (30), China (64), Colombia (4), Costa Rica (1) Cyprus (1), Czech Republic (6), Denmark (1), Ecuador (1), Estonia (2), Finland (3), France (4), Germany (15), Ghana (1), Greece (7), Hong Kong (1), Hungary (8), India (6), Ireland (2), Israel (2), Italy (16), Japan (1), Malta (1), Mexico (20) Nigeria (1) Peru (1), Philippines (5), Poland (11), Portugal (7), Romania (15), Russian Federation (138), Slovenia (5), South Africa (1), South Korea (1), Spain (23), Sweden (6), The Netherlands (2), Turkey (6), Ukraine (9), United Kingdom (5), United States (28), Uzbekistan (2) and Venezuela (1).
Figure 2. Ten top countries on number of events to celebrate the World Voice Day 2018.
Lectures were the most common category of events held in many educations institutions and hospitals to bring attention to the human voice. Creativity was impressive, and events included performances/concerts, courses, free assessments, radio and TV interviews, flash mobs, marathons, special theater events, interactive games and campaigns (Figure 3). The category “campaign” had multiple actions coordinated by graduate programs in Speech-Language Pathology or by a joint effort among physicians, SLP and singing teachers.
Figure 3. Categories of events.
The world was louder with a better voice during the whole month of April.
Congratulations to all participants and let us be prepared for the 2020 Campaign!
World Voice Day 2019
Dear Friends and Colleagues from around the world,
We are approaching April, the month during which we celebrate the HUMAN VOICE as a unique asset to mankind.
Every voice group in each country can make different choices in how to approach this event, with many different activities, from artistic performances to health improvement events. Most of World Voice Day activities take place on April 16th, but many events extend across the entire week or even throughout the whole month but some countries extend them to the whole week or even the whole month. Some countries prefer to celebrate in other months. However, April 16th is the traditional and most widely accept date for celebrating the World Voice Day. Thus, please announce all events celebrating the World Voice Day on the website, our team is proud to document activities and to collectively share them conveniently on this platform.
There are many idiosyncrasies and cultural issues involved in organizing these events. However, it would strength the World Voice Day awareness and impact if the same theme (which changes every year) were used by celebrants throughout the world. be nice if we can resonate with the same message. The American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery – AAO-HNSF, through its Voice Committee has worked to create a team for the year 2019. After discussion and reflection, it seems most practical realistic to the WORLD VOICE DAY WEBSITE ORGANIZATION to use their proposal in order to spread the word. The AAO-HNS has already expressed willingness to invite a representative from to be part of the theme discussion for the 2020 campaign.
This is the phrase being adopted for 2019 by
2019 World Voice Day Theme Source: American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery as developed by its Voice Committee.
We would like to deeply thank Prof. Johan Sundberg, Prof. Robert Sataloff and Prof. Ron Scherer for their guidance throughout this process. We would like also to acknowledge Dr. James Denneny, president/CEO of the AAO-HNSF and Dr. Vyvy Young, chair of the AAO-HNSF Voice Committee, for their generosity in sharing with us their theme.
Have a wonderful campaign, and let the world hear voices from everywhere! Do not forget to document all events.
Mara Behlau, Thays Vaiano and Mauro Fiuza
WVD webpage team
Logo And Slogan Competition For The World Voice Day 2019
On April 16th we celebrate WORLD VOICE DAY.
In 2019 you can contribute by creating the image (logo) and phrase (slogan) for the next year campaign.
Show all your creativity and send the material until December 16th.
Please, send us the logo to the e-mail with the following specifications:
A3 size = 297 × 420 mm/3508 x 4961 pixels. PNG format with transparent background.
You can check the last campaign logo HERE.
The slogan and logo will be chosen by the WVD committee and the winner will be announced on December 20th.
The Voice Foundation Articles
To celebrate the new year WVD campaign its available now, kindly offered by The Voice Foundation, 5 specially chosen articles
You can read and download them HERE
Get inspired and celebrate the voice all over the world!
Mara Behlau, Thays Vaiano and Mauro Fiuza
The WVD team
World Voice Day 2018 Bulletin
The year of 2018 was special for the human voice. Almost 800 entries from 55 countries were registered at the WORDL VOICE DAY webpage (Figure 1), with a total of 1974 activities, the largest number since the webpage was created. Some of the entries correspond to single events but some other to a whole week celebration including talks, classes, workshops and free consultation.

Figure 1. World Distribution of events on the WVD 2018
Ten countries leaded the highest number of events (Figure 2). The 3 first positions were occupied by Brazil (267 events), Argentina (126 events) and Russia (98 events). The human voice importance deserves highest visibility in the world and both artistic and clinical aspects need to be highlighted. We know that some colleagues have not registered their initiatives, which is a misfortune.
The complete list with all participating countries and number of registered events was as follows:
Argentina (126), Australia (9), Austria (2), Azerbaijan (7), Bahrain (1), Bangladesh (1), Belarus (4), Belgium (4), Brazil (268), Bulgaria (1), Canada (7), Cape Verde (7), Chile (21), China (24), Colombia (5), Croatia (2), Cyprus (1), Czech Republic (1), Denmark (3), Ecuador (1), Estonia (2), Finland (6), France (2), Germany (8), Ghana (1), Greece (2), Hungary (6), India (8), Ireland (2), Israel (5), Italy (21), Japan (1), Malta (2), Mexico (10), New Zealand (1), Norway (2), Peru (1), Philippines (3), Poland (11), Portugal (12), Romania (10), Russia (98), Saudi Arabia (1), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (1), South Africa (3), Spain (23), Sweden (11), The Netherlands (3), Turkey (6), Ukraine (3), United Arab Emirates (1), United Kingdom (7), United States (25), Uzbekistan (1).

Figure 2. Ten top countries on number of events to celebrate the World Voice Day 2018.
The most common type of event was the production of banners, placed in many public locations to call attention on the human voice. However, creativity was high, and events included performances/concerts, courses, free assessments, radio and TV interviews, flash mobs, marathons, special theater events, interactive games and campaigns (Figure 3). Under the type “campaign” multiple actions coordinated by graduate programs in Speech-Language Pathology or by a joint effort among physicians, SLP and teachers of singing were developed, some of them with the length of one whole week.

Figure 3. Types of actions developed at the World Voice Day Campaign 2018
The world was louder with a better voice during the whole month of April.
Congratulations to all participants and let us be prepared for the 2019 Campaign!
Mara Behlau, Thays Vaiano and Mauro Fiuza
The team