
Mons • Journée mondiale de la Voix en Belgique

June 25, 2015 – 20h Journée mondiale de la Voix en Belgique Address: Rue de Nimy, 7000, Mons, Belgium Performers: Clara Inglese, soprano Alisée Frippiat, harp Benjamin Glorieux, cello Adrien Tsilogiannis, composer More info: The new association “Lettres en Voix” in Brussels, Belgium (french part) organize from 2015 the World Voice Day in Belgium. We know…

June 25, 2015 – 20h

Journée mondiale de la Voix en Belgique

Address: Rue de Nimy, 7000, Mons, Belgium

Clara Inglese, soprano
Alisée Frippiat, harp
Benjamin Glorieux, cello
Adrien Tsilogiannis, composer

More info: The new association “Lettres en Voix” in Brussels, Belgium (french part) organize from 2015 the World Voice Day in Belgium. We know that the real day is on the 16th of April. But this year, it was impossible for this first time to organize the event for the good date.
But, from 2016, all our events will be organize on the 16th of April.

More info : www.lettresenvoix.org


Contact person: Clara Inglese, info@lettresenvoix.org




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