Birmingham • Suzi and The Backbeats celebrates World Voice Day
April 16, 2014 – Birmingham Suzi and The Backbeats celebrates World Voice Day The aims are to celebrate the diversity of the vocal repertoire and promote healthy singing and speaking. Place: The Actress and the Bishop Address: 36 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham B3 1EH Performers: Suzi and the Backbeats and the Academy of Music and…
April 16, 2014 – Birmingham
Suzi and The Backbeats
celebrates World Voice Day
The aims are to celebrate the diversity of the vocal repertoire and promote healthy singing and speaking.
Place: The Actress and the Bishop
Address: 36 Ludgate Hill, Birmingham B3 1EH
Suzi and the Backbeats and the Academy of Music and Sound Tutors and Students including Zoe Green, Sarah Wright-Owens, Rachael Jacyshyn, Ruth Owens, Kevin Billington, Lucy Brown, Jess Mullen, Christina Smith, Ben Green, Stacy Sliauteris, Juan Fonta-Manzanera.
Hosted by Suzi and the Backbeats and the Academy of Music and Sound.
Sarah Wright-Owens, Clinical Vocal Consultant at the Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital and a Singing Teacher will be interviewed on 107.5 Switch Radio to talk about the importance in maintaining a healthy voice on the 15th April between 16.00-17.00.
Contact person: Sarah Wright-Owens, email ›
Website ›