

Budapest • World Voice Day for children

April 16, 2014, 15:00-17:30 – Budapest World Voice Day for children Taleteller: Erika Bartos   Address: 306 Nagytétényi str. 306, District XXII, Budapest Program & Performers: 15-16:00 – Erika Bartos, writer, tells stories and projects slides from her newest book “Bogyó and Babóca” 16:10-16:50 – Péter Mikola: Play with music 17-17:30  – Ágnes Varga, music-therapist: TÁ-TI-KA interactive play with…


Pécs • World Voice Day in Pécs

April 15, 2014 – Pécs World Voice Day in Pécs – Almond Bloom Scientific Days III. Interdisciplinary PhD Conference Organized by the ENT-Hospital of University of Pécs and the Faculty of Arts, University of Pécs   Place: University of Pécs Address: Pécs, Dr. Romhányi György Hall (PTE ÁOK, Szigeti street 12)   Program: • The Representation of the Human Voice…


Budapest • Art meets Science

April 16, 2014, 18:00 – Budapest Art meets Science   Place: BME Q Building Address:  H-1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok körútja 2 Opening Program & Performers: László Vajta, Dean of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Klára Vicsi, President of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Acoustics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences…