
CN Collaborators Toastmasters Club weekly meeting on Mondays at 6 pm

Date & time 11/04/2016, 18.00 EST City/place: CN Collaborators Toastmasters Club, Montreal Venue/address: CN Building (Transcontinental Room), rue 935 de la Gauchetiere, Montreal, Quebec  H3B 2M9 Country: CA Performer/s: N Collaborators Toastmasters Club, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada will dedicate the April 11th club meeting  to ‘THE VOICE”.Voice will be the theme of the improvisation session(20…

Date & time 11/04/2016, 18.00 EST

City/place: CN Collaborators Toastmasters Club, Montreal

Venue/address: CN Building (Transcontinental Room), rue 935 de la Gauchetiere, Montreal, Quebec  H3B 2M9

Country: CA

Performer/s: N Collaborators Toastmasters Club, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada will dedicate the April 11th club meeting  to ‘THE VOICE”.Voice will be the theme of the improvisation session(20 mins) during which club members will present three minute vignettes on the voice. The prepared speech session will include a 15 minute workshop on voice, addressing different aspects of voice.

More info: It is a free event, All are welcome. Please rsvp at  •Daniel Gélinas, ACB, ALB (Vice President Public Relations): 5142997539.

Website: http://cncollaborators.toastmastersclubs.org/

Contact person/s: Daniel Gelinas, Sudipta Maitra, Niem Huynh, Benoit Menard


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