
Experience Breath-Voice work.

A 90 min workshop to learn how to protect and enhance the voice through breath-voice work performed in specific positions. Breath-Voice work as a factor of physical and mental wellbeing. date: 2023-04-16 time: 10.00 – 11.30 cityplace: London venueaddress: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvd–pqz8uGdS4dm4SmnVyJLN9Uf-xW8Bmonline performers: Brigitte Deneck webbaddress: https://beyourvoice.co.uk/usp-custom-contacts: bdeneck@beyourvoice.co.uk

A 90 min workshop to learn how to protect and enhance the voice through breath-voice work performed in specific positions. Breath-Voice work as a factor of physical and mental wellbeing.

date: 2023-04-16

time: 10.00 – 11.30

cityplace: London

venueaddress: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEvd–pqz8uGdS4dm4SmnVyJLN9Uf-xW8Bm

performers: Brigitte Deneck

webbaddress: https://beyourvoice.co.uk/
usp-custom-contacts: bdeneck@beyourvoice.co.uk

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