
Fernando de la Mora Mexican Music and his voice

INterview by Dr. R,Eugenia Chavez where The artist Fernando de la MOra explains his relationshi to the Mexican Music and the influence of this usis in his career.Mr. De la Mora explains the different voice care he has and the artristry of his long trajectory.Prerecordedinterview and after the video Live with Fernando de la Moradate:…

INterview by Dr. R,Eugenia Chavez where The artist Fernando de la MOra explains his relationshi to the Mexican Music and the influence of this usis in his career.Mr. De la Mora explains the different voice care he has and the artristry of his long trajectory.Prerecordedinterview and after the video Live with Fernando de la Mora
date: 2023-04-16
time: 1100-13:00
cityplace: Mexico City
venueaddress: Centro de Foniatria y Audiologia You tube @vivalavoz365
performers: Mr. Fernando de la Mora and Dr. R. Eugenia Chávez
webbaddress: centrodefoniatria.com  worldvoiceday.orgmexico  youtubevivalavoz365
contacts: eugeniachavez@hotmail.com

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