
Guangdong • Voice health promotion activities on WVD

April 16, 2015 Voice health promotion activities on WVD by Guangdong Voice Association of the Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine Venue: Guangdong hospital of TCM, Guangdong province people’s hospital? Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University. The first affiliated hospital of Guangzhou University of TCM, Shenzhen hospital of TCM Performers: ? Li  Yunying’s  voice…

April 16, 2015

Voice health promotion activities on WVD
by Guangdong Voice Association of the Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine

Venue: Guangdong hospital of TCM, Guangdong province people’s hospital?
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University.
The first affiliated hospital of Guangzhou University of TCM, Shenzhen hospital of TCM

? Li  Yunying’s  voice team
? Ge Pingjiang’s voice team
? Zheng Yiqing’s  voice team
? Qiu Baoshan’s  voice team
? Liu Yuanxian’s  voice team


Contact person: Li Hua from Guangdong hospital of TCM, docliyunying@126.com




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