Past Events

LA TUA VOCE È IMPORTANTE. Conoscerla, conoscersi e prendersene cura.
Interdisciplinary free event to celebrate the voice, cause “Your voice matters”! The meeting is open to voice professionals (singers, singing teachers and coaches, speech therapists, voice doctors, actors, public speakers) and voice users (school teachers, fitness coaches, etc.). Event Opening and Introduction –Your Voice MattersAlfonso Gianluca Gucciardo – Performing Arts Medicine Doctor Vocal Hygiene and…

Suara Nadi Kehidupan
Fakulti Perubatan UKM, Akademi Seni Budaya dan Warisan Kebangsaan (ASWARA) serta kerjasama Institut Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Kebangsaan (National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) (NIOSH) akan menganjurkan Program yang bertemakan “Suara Nadi Kehidupan” bersempena ‘Hari Suara Sedunia’. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kesedaran berkenaan penjagaan peti suara terhadap masyarakat terutamanya mereka yang menggunakan suara…

Motriz – Inconscio e Voce – Unconscious and voice
A free performance by Juliana Alves Mota Drummond (BR) and a free round table with the actress Juliana Mota, PhD, the psychiatrist Antonio Quinet, MD, PhD and the performing arts medicine doctor Gianluca Gucciardo, MD, PhD about “Unconscious and Voice” date: 2023-05-07 time: 20,30 – 22,30 cityplace: Sciacca (Agrigento) venueaddress: Ex Chiesa della RaccomandataG397+RQ Sciacca,…

On the occasion of World Voice Day, the charges for voice evaluation and management for singers were reduced to increase more awareness across singers the importance of voice and their effective usage date: 2023-04-15 time: 09:00-16:00 cityplace: Pune venueaddress: Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), School of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology, Katraj, Pune performers:…
Lecture “The role of a speech therapist”
Lecture “The role of a speech therapist in the correction of speech disorders in neurodegenerative diseases” at Scientific Center of Neurologydate: 2023-04-30time: 13.30cityplace: Moscowvenueaddress: Volokolamskoye shosse, 30performers: E.Berdnikovich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher of Scientific Center of Neurology contacts: E.Berdnikovich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Researcher of Scientific Center of Neurology
A series of preventive examinations at the Omsk College of Culture and Arts
A series of preventive examinations at the Omsk College of Culture and Arts, the Music and Pedagogical College, the 5th Theater and other cultural institutions of the city of Omskdate: 2023-04-24time: 09-14.00cityplace: Omskvenueaddress: Omsk College of Culture and Arts, the Music and Pedagogical College, the 5th Theater and other cultural institutions of the city of…
National scientific and practical conference “New technologies in otorhinolaryngology”
National scientific and practical conference “New technologies in otorhinolaryngology” at Omsk Phoniatrics Centerdate: 2023-04-24time: 09-18.00cityplace: Omskvenueaddress: Bulatova st, 105performers: L.Doronina Head of Omsk Phoniatrics Center, ENT-Phoniatrician, phonopedist contacts: L.Doronina Head of Omsk Phoniatrics Center, ENT-Phoniatrician, phonopedist
III Russian Scientific And Methodological Conference
III Russian Scientific And Methodological Conference “Singing culture as part of the spiritual culture of the individual” at Ufa State Institute of Arts n.a. Z.Ismagilovdate: 2023-04-24time: 09-18.00cityplace: Ufavenueaddress: Lenina st, 14performers: N.Butkevich Docent of Ufa State Institute of Arts n.a. Z.Ismagilov contacts: N.Butkevich
Lecture on Voice hygiene
Lecture on Voice hygiene at NeShkolaVokaladate: 2023-04-22time: 12.00cityplace: Magnitogorskvenueaddress: Sovetskaya st, 195performers: T.Bichurina PhD, ENT, Phoniatrician contacts: T.Bichurina PhD, ENT, Phoniatrician
Webinar “Voice mutation”
Webinar “Voice mutation” at Federal State Budgetary Institution «The National Medical Research Center for Otorhinolaryngology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency of Russia» date: 2023-04-21time: 15.00cityplace: Moscowvenueaddress: Volokolamskoye shosse, 30performers: I.Mikhalevskaya Speech therapist-phonopedist, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Department of Phoniatrics of Federal State Budgetary Institution «The National Medical Research Center forOtorhinolaryngology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency of…
Scientific and educational meeting “Voice: how to save and improve”
Scientific and educational meeting “Voice: how to save and improve” at Center of Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitationdate: 2023-04-21time: 13.00cityplace: Moscowvenueaddress: Nikoloyamskaya st, 29performers: O.Orlova Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Phoniatrics of Federal State Budgetary Institution «The National Medical Research Center forOtorhinolaryngology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency of Russia» webbaddress:…
Lecture and workshop on the prevention of voice disorders in voice professionals
Lecture and workshop on the prevention of voice disorders in voice professionals dedicated to the World Voice Day at “Youth Theater”date: 2023-04-19time: 18.00cityplace: Krasnodarvenueaddress: Imeni Mitrofana, 28performers: I.Vorobyova Phoniatrician contacts: I.Vorobyova Phoniatrician
Lecture “Modern strategies for the development of defectology in interaction with related sciences”
Lecture “Modern strategies for the development of defectology in interaction with related sciences” at Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysisdate: 2023-04-18time: 10.00cityplace: Moscowvenueaddress: Kutuzovskyi prospect, 34performers: O.Orlova Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Department of Phoniatrics of Federal State Budgetary Institution «The National Medical Research Center forOtorhinolaryngology of the Federal Medico-Biological Agency of Russia»…
Preventive examination of the Philharmonic Choir
Preventive examination of the Philharmonic Choir at Sverdlovsk State Academic Philharmonicdate: 2023-04-16time: 10.00-14.00cityplace: Ekaterinburgvenueaddress: st. Karl Liebknecht, 38-Aperformers: E.Bacherikova PhD, ENT, Phoniatrician usp-custom-contacts: E.Bacherikova PhD, ENT, Phoniatrician
TV Channel Russia 1, program “It’s necessary to know” dedicated to the World Voice Day”
TV Channel Russia 1,program “It’s necessary to know”dedicated to the World Voice Day. Lecture “How to maintain a healthy voice” date: 2023-04-16time: 12.00cityplace: Nalchikvenueaddress: Kabardinskaya st, 162performers: E.Azamatova ENT, phoniatrician contacts: E.Azamatova ENT, phoniatrician