
Screening videoendoscopy of the vocal folds

To our patients, collaborators, colleagues, friends, voice experts and therapists and to all to whom voice matters. In only 10 day we are celebrating – 16 of April World Voice Day. One day is not enough for  presenting all  complexity of voice phenomena.  Thus we are celebrating it longer – few weeks  with a number…

To our patients, collaborators, colleagues, friends, voice experts and therapists and to all to whom voice matters. In only 10 day we are celebrating – 16 of April World Voice Day. One day is not enough for  presenting all  complexity of voice phenomena.  Thus we are celebrating it longer – few weeks  with a number of  publications  about  accomplishments in  diagnostics  and therapy of  voice  science and disorders, editing  scientific  and  expert papers,  endoscopic  videos during   speech ,singing, vocalization and silence. Promotional activities   will include OPEN DOOR (at 13of April at noon): screening vocal fold endoscopic examination for professionals and risky patients and sending us voice sample and Voice Handicap Score of all interested individuals

date: 2023-04-13

time: 12.00

cityplace: Zagreb

venueaddress: Center for Expert Medicine

webbaddress: www.cem.hr

contacts: prof.dr Santa Večerina Volić

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