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The voice matters:take care of your allergies

The importance of a healthy airways system and the relationship with voice production.How the respiratory allergies can change pitch, colour, volume , endurance, flexibility of the voice from children to adults.How to prevent and treat allergies. date: 2023-04-11 time: 19.00-20:00 cityplace: Mexico City venueaddress: Minerva 104-501 Colonia Florida Centro de Foniatría y Audiología performers: R….

The importance of a healthy airways system and the relationship with voice production.How the respiratory allergies can change pitch, colour, volume , endurance, flexibility of the voice from children to adults.How to prevent and treat allergies.

date: 2023-04-11

time: 19.00-20:00

cityplace: Mexico City

venueaddress: Minerva 104-501 Colonia Florida Centro de Foniatría y Audiología

performers: R. Eugenia Chavez Calderón M.D.,Ph.D. Phoniatrician and Audiologist President of Collegium Medicorum Theatri

webbaddress: @vivalavoz365       www.centrodefoniatria.com

contacts: eugeniachavez@hotmail.com

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